Cultural Connections


    This website is a starting point for your Cultural Connections Project. While studying Educational Technology in Rouen, France I had the opportunity to be completely immersed in a foreign culture. This made me wonder, how is the teen culture in Ypsilanti different from the teen culture in Rouen? My findings of teen culture in Rouen are presented in this site.

    Your project will begin by asking yourself, how is my culture different from _________ culture? Next, narrow down your question and focus on one question about the culture you choose. This is your opportunity to learn about another culture and become a world learner.

Map taken from

Project Purpose

Photo of teens in Roeun taken by me
The purpose of this project is to participate in an inquiry based learning activity, learn the steps of researching, and exhibit oral presentation skills all while learning about another culture. Follow the links above for project information and information about teen culture in Rouen.

Michigan GLCEs:
R.IT.08.01 analyze the structure, elements, features, style, and purpose of informational
R.CM.08.01 connect personal knowledge, experiences, and understanding of the
world to themes and perspectives in text through oral and written responses.
S.DS.08.04 plan, outline, and deliver an informational presentation using precise and vivid
language in the active voice

I can.....
  • Analyze informational texts
  • Process information in text by using information to solve a problem
  • Create and deliver an oral presentation
  • Use graphics to enhance the presentation of a research report

Image of cultural terms created on